TOP > REGISTRATION > Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

NPO Japan Outfitness Association recognizes that all personal information (personally identifiable information including name, address and telephone number, etc.) provided by you through collecting participants of EarthRunClub and other events and through their mail-order business must be protected with the utmost care. Therefore, NPO Japan Outfitness Association will establish and follow the privacy policy below in order to collect, use, and manage personal information appropriately.

NPO Japan Outfitness Association will stipulate privacys concerning the protection of personal information, and appoint a personal information manager for carrying out the appropriate management. NPO Japan Outfitness Association will ensure compliance by the directors and staffs.
In the collection of personal information, NPO Japan Outfitness Association will state the purposes of use, and use those properly within that scope.
NPO Japan Outfitness Association will not provide to a third party the personal information except for the following cases: When person’s approval is granted beforehand; When the disclosure is required by applicable laws; When there is good reason to achieve the purposes of use by necessary corporations such as a survey company and an insurance company in the management of events.
When NPO Japan Outfitness Association outsources the management of personal information to third parties, the Association and those third parties will exchange a contract to handle the personal information in accordance with the privacys and this privacy policy.
NPO Japan Outfitness Association will store and manage personal information appropriately and carefully.
NPO Japan Outfitness Association will implement appropriate measures to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, divulgence, etc. of or unauthorized access to personal information.
With respect to personal information collected by NPO Japan Outfitness Association, if a individual wants to confirm or request correction or deletion thereof, the Association will respond to such request as expeditiously as reasonably possible except for the privacys by laws, after confirming the identity of the individual.
NPO Japan Outfitness Association will strive continuously to review and improve the mesures for protection of personal information.

Please contact the following information center/EarthRunClub for inquiries regarding this page.

105, 1-5-57 Shishigaya, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa prefecture, 230-0073, Japan

NPO Japan Outfitness Association